Well, when time comes to stay quiet and think... think deeply, think of every detail, of every step and every movement, of what you have done and what you are about to do in the future...
just stop
And how is this on the right way, if this thought, this movement, this decision you have taken is on this path you want to follow in order to reach your goals, your destination, your dreams, all those thing you want to feel, to breath, to hear, to share, to see with your own eyes, ... before ... you close them for the last time, leaving this life.
Whould you say what you are saying? Would you think these things you are thinking right now?
and stop ... STOP once again... STOP DOING IT , IF YOU FEEL THAT THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU SHOULD DO IN ORDER TO REACH YOUR GOALS, if you don't have or haven't found you goals yet, then .... STOP AND THINK OF WHAT YOUR GOALS COULD BE! Activate your mind, create your ideal picture in your mind, and find the way to make it real! Get not to just exsit, to survive, but TO LIVE!!!
These two videos are very interesting! I REALLY LOVE WATCHING MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS!
Extraordinary Mindset = Extraordinary Life
RESET Your MINDSET | The Secrets Billionaires Pay For (It Takes Only 1 Day)
and, if you want, watch some of my songs on my YouTube channel, that soon as possible will finally include professionally recorded songs of mine in a studio here in Greece. And if you want or liked any of my (demo yet) tracks, subscribe to my channel to help me get better and upload more interesting songs. Thank you!
or see my Instagram account
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